Sunday, August 1, 2010

Portland visit July 2010

I spent a busy 5 days with the Portland Ballanti's. I had a wonderful time. I played a lot of princess/barbie/my little pony with Maryn and Lucy. They are both so full of play and make believe. We also did lots of outdoor play. I couldn't put those pictures in here because they kept taking off their clothes and running through the sprinklers and playing with barbies in the water play table. I went to the park a few times, picked raspberries, went to the Rose Garden in Portland and my sister Mary came over from the coast for an ovenight visit. We also got to go watch Chris play volleyball. Wow, I'm almost tired just mentioning some of the things we did. It was a great visit. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what we were up to. Enjoy!

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