Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tahoe 2008

We had another great year in Tahoe. Laurel came up for a couple of days. Here we are near Cascade Falls. That is Eagle Lake behind us. This hike is right near Emerald Bay. Laurel and Don rode their bikes (20+ miles) with our friends Tim, Rick and Sally from Tahoe City. This is a beautiful hike and we had a great lunch that we bought at the farmers market that morning.
Here are the Choys. Karen came up with Jack for two days. It was fun having a young one up at Tahoe again. We first started coming up to Tahoe when Laurel was about Jack's age.

Here is Sally, Time, Sue and Rick about the beautiful Eagle Lake.

The condo that we stay at is right now the Lake. I love this view.
Laurel is here posing for me, but she had just done laps. She is trying to get ready for her mini-triathlon in October. Swimming in a pool near the lake is a great way to practice. Laurel plans to do the triathlon with Erica, Jess and her cousin Rachel. Go Girls!

Here is Karen (Paula & Chet's Daughter) with her son Jack. Don't you think that Jack looks like Steven Smylie. Check out those cheeks. I posted a picture of Steven below this one, so you can decide for yourself.

Here is Steven! What do you think?


Drew & Erica said...

Jack is very cute - kinda like an asian version of Steven, I guess! I'm very impressed with Laurel's swimming. She's going to smoke us all in the race!

Katers said...

i love the cheeks! and i think you're right:)

Brenda said...

Awesome Laurel. A mini-triathalon is very exciting. I'm also shooting for my first (and last?) 1/2 marathon in October.