Thursday, June 17, 2010

Laurel does Mermaid Sprint Triathlon

Don and I got to watch Laurel do her second sprint triathlon in Alameda. Her first one was in San Diego and she had undiagnosed mono at the time. It was so fun to see her out there swimming, biking and running and having a pretty easy time doing it.

Here she is before the race.

The Swim - Can you find her? There were different starting times for each group. She was in the final group.


The Ride

The Run - She switched from biking to running so fast, that I couldn't even get a good picture of her.

Here she is minutes after the race. Doesn't she look great?

And here she is with her proud parents.


Unknown said...

Wow, I am so impressed! Way to go, Laurel

Drew & Erica said...

Laurel truly looks great, and I'm so impressed that she's kept up with the triathlon stuff! I hope I can get back in shape to do one with her again :)

Karen said...

Go Laurel!