Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Maryn's 4th Birthday Week

I went up to Portland to celebrate Maryn's 4th Birthday and visit with everyone. We stayed so very busy. We seemed to have something going every day. Jess, the girls and I went over to the coast for an overnight. We stayed with my sister Mary but also got to see my brother Steve's new house, nephew Craig's new house, plus a visit to great neice Tab's house. The overnight flew by.

Maryn has started pre-school, so I got to visit her school and meet her teachers. I also went to Community Bible Study with Jess. They are studying Genesis which is the same study that I'm doing, so it was interesting. Then there was the party at Grandma Kathy's house and the party at Chucky Cheese (one of Wednesday and the other on Friday). That certainly keep Maryn busy and excited. I enjoyed spenting some one on one time with each of the girls. Maryn is clearly the older sister and Lucy is the clown of the family. They really love each other and play great together.

I took so many pictures, but I'm trying to keep them to a controlled amount. If you still have energy at the end, I included a couple of videos.

Here is Maryn at her Chucky Cheese party. Notice the crown Jess made for her.

Maryn with her best birthday smile.

Playing at Chucky Cheese

Maryn with Grandpa Doug on her actual birthday.

Lucy.... We took a walk to a local park on afternoon.

Maryn...... at the park

Lucy and I went out even though it was raining a bit. When in Portland, do as the Portland people do. Besides, Lucy loves to find puddles.

Here is Tab in her house holding Isreal. Her baby girl is due this month.

Maryn at the park near Tab's house.

Lucy at the park near Tab's house. This is a great park in Lincoln City.

Aren't sleeping babies precious? Lucy couldn't stay awake any more. She feel asleep on my nephew craigs couch.

Maryn and Lucy playing in their back yard.
Lucy pushing her car

Maryn riding her brand new bike

Lucy with her great uncle Jim

Maryn and Lucy walk the white line by Steve's house.

Jess, Lucy and I took a hike with Steve at Salishan

Steve Barb Mary and Lucy are checking out pictures on the computer.Here we are Mary (#1) Carol (#5) Steve (#8). Aren't we cute?

Maryn and Lucy play while Isreal and Great Grandma Mary look on.
Lucy's favorite toy. Her Puppy.
Ok. For those of you that just like to see cute kids, here are a couple of movies that I took.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

We all enjoyed your visit SO MUCH! Thank you for making the trip up here and for spoiling all of us for a week. I hope you've recovered and are ready to come play again soon :)