Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Caribbean Cruise

Here are pictures from my cruise to the Western Caribbean. We started in New Orleans at Mardi Gras. That was a wild experience. We had stops in Costa Maya, Belize, Roatan and Cosumel. We had lots of beach time, over-ate daily and played a bunch of games. Four of the women that were on the trip with me, I have known for about 32 years. It was fun. Here a just a few pictures from the trip.

Roatan- This was a disappointing stop. The captain was unable to get us to shore because of the wind. It didn't seem windy to me, but I trust that the captain knows best. So we spent this day doing donuts in the big ship and never got to shore. We did get a lot of cards and farkle time. Plus 4 times around the ship and you log a mile. I did a few of those just to think that I was staying in shape.

Cozumel - Great beaches and easy shopping. And don't miss the pictures of evening drinks on the ship.

This was a great beach that a taxi driver took us to. It was off the beaten path, we got to sit under umbrellas, go snokeling, drink sodas, eat guacmole and chips at a very reasonable price. I could have spent more time there. But, we did leave in time to get back to town and do a bit a shopping.

Beliez- Cris and I did a Belize City tour and Airboat Adventure at Almond Hill Lagoon. The airboat can skim over 6 inches of water. We saw lots of bird and had a real speed boat experience.
That very large gecko is just crawling over a fence in town
Yes, I did buy a little bit a Belize Chocolate. Who knows when I get back there.

Costa Maya- This was our first stop on the cruise. We had a cab take us to a local beach where for $15 we got to sit in their chairs, got all the sodas we wanted, use their kayaks and relax. It was great.
My friend Cris and I Kayaked around a bit. It was fun.
This was a crab that was hanging out by the docks.

This is my roommate Carol. A few in the group went snorkeling at Costa Maya. They said it was great, but came back exhausted.

New Orleans - We had time in New Orleans at the start (all Mardi Gras stuff) and end of the trip.In a short period of time, we shopped, looked at some art, took a carriage tour, went for Gumbo, had Begneits and Cafe au laits at the oldest coffee shop in the US, listened to street musicians and just plain had fun.

Food Food Food - What would a blog be like without food. I didn't take too many pictures, but I sure did enjoy the food on the ship. This doesn't even include food from the chocolate extravaganza. But, that was more chocolate than you can imagine.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Oohhh- that warm weather looks so nice! Especially as I am defrosting from Jack's 50 degrees and windy baseball practice!