Monday, December 20, 2010

Early "Christmas Eve" in Southern California

This was our Southern California Christmas aka Tamale Party aka Meet Claire for the first time.
We had a wonderful party at Katie and Kevin's. I'm just sharing a few of the pictures. We opened lots of presents and ate lots of wonderful food and got to see cute babies, happy children and a wonderful family.
Here is the first tamale dinner. Notice that Erica got the "special" tamale with the M&M's in it. Here is Grandpa Smylie with 3 or his 4 grandchildren. I think DB was holding Claire at this time. Megan got a few princess outfits for Christmas.
Here is papa Kevin with the very quiet star of the show. I think we all got a chance to hold sweet Claire.

Maureen thinks that Claire looks like Steven and after looking at a baby picture of Steven, I think she might be right.

1 comment:

Katers said...

i love all of these pictures!!!!! any chance i could have a cd sometime? we loved spending so much time with you:).