Thursday, September 11, 2008

Megan's first visit to San Francisco

Katie, Kevin and Megan came to San Francisco for a couple of days. Kevin was given an award for Excellence in Values and it included a trip to San Francisco, a stay at the Fairmont Hotel and many other amazing perks. I got the pleasure of taking care of Megan (3 months old) while Kevin and Katie attended the fancy events. Laurel came over one night and we played with Megan and even took her for an evening walk around Nob Hill. I also spent Wednesday touring around the city with them. I have to tell you that Megan is such an easy baby. She is always in a good mood. What a doll!

So here is the family all dressed up the night of the big dinner.

This is the view from their room at the Fairmont. It was stunning during the day and at night.

In these pictures Laurel and I were trying to teach how to touch the top of the Transamerican Pyramid. Nice job Megan! You may see Megan in the new Sci-Fri movie, "Giant Baby attacks San Francisco".

Here are some of our tour pictures. I love the city and it really was a beautiful day.

Megan slept so much, it was hard to take a picture of her while she was awake. Here she is after strolling across the Golden Gate Bridge.OK, who can guess what Kevin is about to do? If you get it right, you know him pretty well.
Laurel is teaching Megan to be expressive. What a kick! Megan has such a happy personality.

Megan can come visit anytime. What a sweetpea!


Drew & Erica said...

Ok -

Just have to say a few things: 1) wow the fairmont - so fancy! and Kev & KT look so good all fancied up! 2)I LOVE Megan's hat - where did she get it - so adorable 3) Carol & Laurel are a riot - Love the "Baby attacks the City" pictures!

Katers said...

whoa...giant baby!!!! that is one adorable giant baby, if i do say so myself. e-megs got the hat from olivia. she's borrowing it.